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  • IV Nutritional Therapy

Myer’s Cocktail

What is the Myer’s Cocktail?

The “Myer’s Cocktail” is an IV therapy consisting of a mix of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. With IV therapy, your digestive system is bypassed and a much higher level of nutrition can be delivered directly to your cells via the bloodstream.

What can the Myer’s Cocktail do for me?

With IV therapy nutrients infuse into those cells which are performing below par. This type of IV therapy would be especially appropriate for anyone who has digestive problems, including bloating, diarrhea, food allergies, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease, or other GI problem. The general effect of a Myer’s Cocktail appear as a marked improvement of the health of the body. If your cells can function at their best, it’s more likely you can recover from a serious health problem.

Myer’s Cocktail IV therapy may be helpful for many chronic conditions.

It is also beneficial for acute conditions such as colds and flus.

A Myer’s Cocktail can even help athletes recover faster from an illness so they can participate in an event.

The Myer’s Cocktail can help with:

Cardiovascular Disease
Chest Pain
Congestive Heart Failure
Migraine Headaches
Mononucleosis/Epstein Barr
Muscle Spasms
Respiratory Problems
Seasonal Allergies
Valley Fever

How many treatments will I need?

Each patient responds differently to IV nutritional therapy. Some may only need an occasional Myer’s Cocktail, while others may need monthly or even weekly treatments to keep their chronic condition under control.

What is in the Myer’s Cocktail?

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C), magnesium, calcium, trace elements, B-complex, pyridoxine (B6), dex-panthenol (B5), zinc, selenium and sterile water. Dr. Wells will choose specific amounts of each nutrient for your condition.

Scientific documentation behind IV therapy. (PDF)

How will I know if IV therapy will work for me?

If you or a loved one has a health problem that is not getting better, talk to our physicians about the appropriateness of naturopathy and Myer’s Cocktail IV therapy.

Contact our physicians.